Why Are People Moving To Duluth Minnesota?

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What Are The Best Parks In Duluth MN?

The Duluth area has over 100 public parks available.  Not all of them are maintained as frequently as some of the parks that have a higher frequency of visitors.  One of my favorite parks in the area is Hartley Park.  It has about 10 miles of trails and the Superior Hiking Trail goes through some of the park.  Another great scenic route runs along the E Skyline Pkwy to Seven Bridges Rd in East Duluth.  If you start towards the top of the Duluth Hill at Hawk Ridge, you can get a great overlook towards Lake Superior.  As you continue around to the bottom of the hill towards Lester Park there are numerous stopping points.  While that route is a road system, you will see that many people use it for activities like hiking, biking, and running etc.

This is Chester Creek in Duluth MN

Now you might want to adventure down by Lake Superior here in Duluth MN.  One of the main travel hubs in the area is Canal Park.  You will have an opportunity to visit our Park Point area if you cross the Aerial Lift Bridge from Canal Park.  There are multiple access points to the sand beach area along Lake Superior.  Another popular activity is using the Lake Walk that is about 8 miles long and runs to the Brighton Beach area.  I enjoy walking the route from Canal Park to Leif Erickson Park on the Lake Walk.

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What Lakes and Trails Are Available To Use In Duluth?

Most people know about Lake Superior in Duluth MN but we have many other lakes and rivers available to the public.  Some of the lakes will only have private access to property owners.  We do have many areas with access to the public for boat launch and beaches.  Some of the main lakes close by are Island Lake, Fish Lake, Pike Lake, and Rice Lake.  A few main rivers are the St. Louis River and Cloquet River.   There will be tons of opportunities to actively be out on the water.

We have many miles of different trail systems in Duluth.  One of the main trail systems here is the Superior Hiking Trail.  We have about 43 miles of the Superior Hiking Trail here in Duluth.  You don’t have to travel far to continue using different trail routes for it though.  We have lots of public land available as well.  So anyone looking for public land to utilize won’t have to search long.  There are many state trails to bring your atv or snowmobile on.  I have many memories out with groups on the trails.

This is Amity Creek in Duluth MN

Seasons in Duluth Minnesota

We have to discuss the seasons we have here in Minnesota.  This can be a big change if you are moving from a climate that is warm most of the time or more moderate.  Minnesota has four distinct seasons and some of the areas will get affected differently.  The biggest factor is winter in Duluth MN.

Every season has its own unique experience here.  Having four distinct seasons could mean you will need to purchase more clothes and household items to deal with the weather in Duluth MN.  It can also mean having a variety of experiences throughout the year.  Maybe you were on one of the trail systems here during the summer but in late Fall when the leaves are gone you can see more of the area.  In some cases when the leaves are gone on a group of trees that will allow you to see Lake Superior when you weren’t able to for part of Fall or Summer.

This is Lake Superior in Duluth MN

You will tend to start to see more Winter-like conditions starting around mid-November with colder temperatures and some snow.  Our coldest months are January and February.  Every winter is a little different for the amount of snow we receive, cold days, and when it ends.

Lake Superior Duluth MN

Lake Superior is an important part of living in Duluth Minnesota.  Not only does it provide freshwater to the area, but it is also a factor to our weather in Duluth.  The Duluth area receives more snowfall due to the proximity of Lake Superior.  You will also see the lake effect of Lake Superior make some weather more unpredictable.  Some areas might have a slight variation of how much snow they receive or how quickly it melts.  There will be days they might be predicting rain, or a storm and you won’t know if it is going to happen until the hour it’s predicted.  The lake effect of Lake Superior provides some protection from certain elements like tornadoes. 

Lake Superior provides many amazing views in our area.  Part of Duluth is built around Lake Superior to use for anyone living and visiting our area.  This might mean you can purchase a home with a view of Lake Superior as well.

This is the north shore in Duluth MN

Retail in Duluth Minnesota

We have many options for shopping in Duluth MN for a city this size.  Our main retail is built up around the Miller Hill Mall area.  Most larger retail companies like Target, Walmart, Best Buy are located there.  You will also find some of the bigger stores have locations in West Duluth and the nearby city of Hermantown.  Some of the newer stores in our area are Costco and Ashley Furniture.  The nearby areas you may find options for smaller grocery stores, restaurants, and retail.  Canal Park and Lincoln Park Craft District are also home to many businesses.   Duluth has a great selection for smaller boutique stores as well.  There are a variety of boutique shops for clothing, art, home goods, antiques, gaming, outdoors, etc.